Safety network quality inspection

(1) Safety nets are special labor protection articles involving state property and personal safety. The product quality must be inspected by the state-designated supervision and inspection department and a production license must be obtained before production. Each shipment of safety nets must be inspected by the supervision and inspection department. Each safety net should be attached to the national supervision department inspection certificate and enterprise self-certification certificate at different locations. At the same time there should be signs, signs should have a permanent mark, the sign content should include: the name of the manufacturer, manufacturing date, batch number, material, specifications, weight and production license number.

(2) The safety net is classified into flat net (P), vertical net (L), and dense-listed safety net (ML). The safety net is mainly composed of side ropes, tethers, ribs, and net ropes. The dense-mesh safety net consists of a net body, a buckle, a side rope and an additional tether. The physical and mechanical properties of safety nets are the main indicators for judging the quality of safety nets. Its content includes: Edge rope, tether, net rope, rib rope breaking strength. The dense-mesh safety nets mainly include: breaking strength, elongation at break, tensile strength of joints, tearing strength, penetration resistance, retention of breaking strength after aging, and strong tail-flame-retardant properties of eye-opening buckles. Both flat net and vertical net should have impact resistance. Liteng can not replace flat nets. It should be based on the construction needs and load height to distinguish between flat nets and grids. Flat network load strength requirements greater than the vertical network, the use of more materials, weight is greater than the vertical network. Under normal circumstances, the flat net is larger than 5.5kg, and the vertical net is larger than 2.5kg.

(3) Safety nets mainly use open-air workplaces. Therefore, it must have weather resistance. Weather-resistant materials include nylon, vinylon, and polyester. The same material used in the same net should be the same, its wet and dry strength ratio should be greater than 75%, and the total weight of each net should not exceed 15kg. The flame-retardant safety net's continued burning and smoldering time must not exceed 4s.

(4) The width of the flat net is not less than 3m, and the width of the vertical net and dense-mesh safety net is not less than 1.2m. The length of the tether is not less than 0.8m. Safety net tether and tether spacing should not exceed 0.75m. The distance between the dense-mesh safety net tether and the tether should not exceed 0.45m, and the distance between the safety nets and the tendons should not be too small. Generally, it is specified to be more than 0.3m. Safety nets can be divided into hand-knotted and mechanically-knotted. Mechanical knitting can be divided into knotted and knotless knots. In general, knot-free nodule intensity is higher than that of knotted knots. Net knots and knots must be firmly fixed and must not be moved to avoid enlargement of the mesh and non-uniform length of the sides. The above situation will lead to stress concentration, until the net rope breaks.

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Spice is a substance that can be scented by smelling or scented by taste, and is the Raw Material for the preparation of the fragrance. Spices are an important part of fine chemicals, it is composed of natural spices, synthetic spices and single fragrance.

Production Process:

The production of natural spices: there are 8 main methods for the production of natural plant perfume

1.distillation method --- essential oil

2.extraction method --- extract, tincture, oil resin, net oil
3.pressing method --- essential oil
4.absorption method --- balsam
5.enzymatic extraction
7.molecular distillation
8.microwave extraction

Main Function:

The main purpose is for the deployment of flavors, flavors, also known as reconcile spices. Plant spices are usually used for the addition of stew, etc., can make food flavor rich. Spices are widely used in soap, detergent, all kinds of cosmetics (cold cream, cream, hair cream, hair wax, shampoo, toilet water and perfume, etc.), skin care beauty products, toothpaste, air cleaners and fungicides and other environmental hygiene products , Candy, biscuits, beverages, tobacco, wine, dairy products, vegetable protein food, and pharmaceutical, paper, plastic, leather, fabric and other fragrance.


Fragrance And Spices

Fragrance And Spices,Food Fragrance,Fragrance Vanillin,Nature Ethyl Vanillin Powder