Fire training into corporate fire prevention and control

Recently, the Public Security Fire Brigade of Wulian County of Rizhao City organized the Housing and Urban Development Bureau to hold a training class on fire protection knowledge of the living and construction system. The 31 enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction, 24 construction and construction units in the county, and 23 other places entered the lotus. More than 100 leaders of the construction company, security chiefs, and security staff participated in the training.

In the training class, the brigade inspectors combined with several typical cases of major and extraordinary fires in recent years, conducted a deep analysis of fire losses, causes of disasters, escape from fires, and precautions on fire sites, telling everyone to do a good job. The importance of fire prevention work, and introduced to participants the basic knowledge of fire safety and fire safety in daily life should pay attention to details and how to report the fire, how to save the initial fire, how to use the fire extinguisher correctly, how to escape the fire, self-rescue , fire fighting and other knowledge. Finally, the participants also organized firefighting drills and all the participants took the fire extinguisher to experience the fire extinguishing experience.

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