11 kinds of poisonous flowers can't grow at home

Flowers and bonsai are the home decorations that many people will use. They grow more or less at home with a potted flower and a pot of aloe vera and suddenly make lifeless homes alive! But not all things can be kept at home. Some things are poisonous and slowly harm your family's health; some can destroy your home feng shui.
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Orchid, Lily:
Both of these flowers have an aroma that stimulates the nervous system of the human being. It is over-excitement and can easily cause insomnia.
Rose flowers:
The rich scent it emits can cause chest tightness, discomfort, breathlessness and difficulty breathing in some people.
Conifers and flowers:
Its aromatic odor has a stimulating effect on the body's stomach, which not only affects appetite, but may also make pregnant women feel upset, nausea and vomiting.
Hydrangea flowers:
The particles it emits, such as contact with human skin, can cause skin allergies.
Night primroses:
It emits a large number of particles that stimulate the sense of smell at night. If it smells too long, it will make people with high blood pressure and heart disease feel dizzy, depressed, discomfort, and even worse.
Its flower contains a kind of poison alkali, if the person is in contact for a long time, will accelerate hair loss.
It can secrete a milky white liquid, which can cause poisoning and cause symptoms such as drowsiness and mental decline. If the pregnant woman is near it, it will cause irregular fetal tone.
Wolf poison, evergreen:
Its juice contains a mattase enzyme that is very unfavorable to the human body. If a child mistakenly wears it, it will cause the vocal cords to become swollen and even dumb.
This kind of flower is also like a tulip flower. If someone touches it for too long, it can cause hair loss.
Leopard skin flowers:
The odor particles it emits are also very bad for the human body and can make people dizzy.
Red-backed osmanthus, converted wood, tiger-thorned plum:
These kinds of flowers and trees will have serious adverse reactions with the human body. They are one of the carcinogenic plants and should not be planted.
Links: 6 details to watch for in winter

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